
Markwort Sporting Goods

Markwort Sporting Goods sells sports equipment to athletes and retailers around the globe. With updated products and a goal to shift from print to digital marketing, Markwort asked us to help the brand gain market share through improved packaging and a stronger online presence.

Vettex mouthguard packaging design in purple

Beloved by athletes, overshadowed on shelves.

Markwort’s line of mouthguards, the Vettex® Doubleguard Mouthguard, is worn everywhere from little leagues to the Super Bowl. But the old packaging struggled to stand out on shelves and communicate the benefits of the product’s superior design.

Atomicdust Vettex mouthguard packaging design

A bold new look.

With 23 colors available, we knew the vibrant spectrum of choices could be enticing to shoppers. Matching the exact color of each mouthguard, we designed bold, solid-color pouches with clear windows to show the actual product.

New Vettex packaging design in various colors

A large logo indicates action and strength, and a new diagram on the back calls out the mouthguard’s thoughtfully designed features and benefits. Two-step instructions (“1. Tear the pouch. 2. Put it on.”) underline the product’s ease and convenience.

Custom diagram showing the features and benefits of the Vettex mouthguard for the back of the packaging design
The new Vettex mouthguard packaging design

Updating the digital marketplace.

The Markwort team wanted to funnel sales through the company’s Amazon store. We captured eye-catching photos of the mouthguards and Markwort’s other most popular products and drafted new copy to help the mouthguards rank higher in Amazon search results. A modern refresh of the Markwort store page gives the brand an instant boost and supports its positioning as a world-class sports equipment company.

The new Markwort Amazon storefront featuring new photography

Reaching bigger audiences.

With a new look in place, it was time to let people know. Our team developed ad creative with bright, inviting photography and catchy copy. Launched on several platforms and targeting strategically chosen audiences, the digital campaigns grew Markwort’s brand awareness and pointed viewers to the company’s Amazon storefront to support sales.

Paid social media ads on Facebook and Instagram promoting Vettex's
Vettex mouthguards arranged by color