Blog: Video

‘Real Work’ Videos for Rockport Works

We’re big believers around here that brands are more than just logos. They go deeper than just the carefully crafted messages or clever packaging used to entice consumers. There’s more to a brand than that. We believe the essence of…

What’s next for the NEXT Event?

In early 2011, Atomicdust was faced with a question: How should we follow-up on what was, by all accounts, a very successful branding and marketing campaign for Stibo System’s NEXT Event? Make it bigger and better, of course. We took…

The Internet Loves Slow Motion Puppies

Our very own Billy Richardson has managed to take his adorable puppy Iso and make him an internet celebrity. While posting videos of your pet isn’t groundbreaking (seriously, try searching ‘puppies’ on YouTube), what sets Iso’s videos apart is the…

When Good Design Speaks for Itself

At Atomicdust, we understand how creative design and quality copy can help tell a story. We are constantly designing websites, sales materials and email campaigns that tell the story of who our clients are and what they do. And when…