Two Atomicdust Marketing Leaders Take the Stage at MDMC

Two Atomicdust Marketing Leaders Take the Stage at MDMC

Is this thing on?

The Atomicdust team has been brushing up on our presenting skills (and solidifying our best dad jokes) in preparation for the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference, or MDMC, happening later this month.

We’ve been fans of the conference for years, and are excited to announce that Blaise Hart-Schmidt, Director of Marketing & Sales, and Sam Heaton, Director of Digital Marketing, will each lead a session at this year’s event.

Hosted May 13-15 by the University of Missouri—St. Louis, the conference attracts hundreds of attendees each year. Speakers from Google, Nielsen, Instagram, LinkedIn, HubSpot, GoDaddy and more cover topics across the branding and digital marketing spectrum, from SEO and TikTok to crisis management, data privacy, and hiring practices for marketers and business leaders.

Curious what Blaise and Sam will be presenting on? Keep reading.


Building a B2B Marketing Ecosystem: The Power of Automation

We’re willing to bet every marketer on earth could use an extra hour or two in their day. Balancing speed, creativity, quality, and a bevy of tactics and tools, there’s a lot to juggle—often with lean teams and high expectations from leadership. And according to HubSpot, marketers spend almost a third of their work week on repetitive tasks.

Cue automation.

Advancing automation and AI tools are allowing marketers to automate more tasks, and with a big impact. That same HubSpot article asserts marketers who use automation are 46% more likely to report having an effective marketing strategy.

As Director of Digital Marketing, Sam Heaton helps our clients incorporate automation into their sales and marketing processes to eliminate manual work and improve outcomes. His talk, “Building a B2B Marketing Ecosystem: The Power of Automation,” will give attendees a crash course in blending digital marketing tools to save time and more effectively nurture leads, engage customers and create personalized buyer journeys at scale.

His session is perfect for marketers of any level looking to boost efficiency and effectiveness in their B2B marketing efforts. Add it to your personal MDMC schedule.


Who Do You Think You’re Talking To? Crafting B2B Buyer Personas & ICPs

For a company’s marketing to be effective, understanding the audience is a must.

But a lot of marketers rely on outdated information, generic assumptions or just gut feelings when targeting audiences or creating messaging. Or worse, they just try to target as many people and companies as they can, without a fine-tuned approach. The result? Wasted ad spend, messaging that doesn’t resonate and campaigns with lackluster outcomes.

Leading Atomicdust’s internal marketing and sales efforts, Blaise has first-hand experience developing in-depth ideal customer profiles (ICPs) and buyer personas for the agency and its clients. Her session will unpack the role of ICPs and buyer personas in B2B marketing, outline the process of developing and refining them, and strategies for using the documents to improve your strategies, tactics and results. Add Blaise’s session to your MDMC lineup.


We’re excited to see Sam and Blaise hit the stage at this year’s conference, and attend all the other insightful and inspirational sessions on the agenda this year. MDMC tickets are still available, so it’s not too late to secure your spot.

And if you join either session or see someone from the Atomicdust team at the conference, make sure to stop and say hi!


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