Atomicdust’s Holiday Wish List
The holiday season is in full swing at Atomicdust! Our Christmas tree is up, classic tunes are playing from the speakers and a 20-foot inflatable Santa made a (very) brief appearance.
We’ve carefully crafted a holiday wish list, complete with dream clients we’d like to work with, fun projects we hope come our way, doodads for our desks, and perhaps an item or two we might actually unwrap this month.
Jeremy Schwartz, Web Developer
I want a Glowforge 3D Laser Printer. Have you seen this thing?! It’s a 3D printer with frickin’ laser beams! You can cut materials with it or etch designs into your stuff. Etch your laptop. Etch a pie. A PIE! Or, I guess, you could make gifts for others. It is the season of giving, after all.
Julie Rechtien, Senior Copywriter
A dream client would be a canned cold brew coffee company. I’d also want a thesaurus that can actually supply the word that I’m thinking of but can’t remember, and a never-ending supply of Stabilo felt-tip pens—can you tell I’m a writer?
Mike Spakowski, Partner/Creative Director
Have you ever heard of Dieter Rams? He’s the legendary designer whose work for Braun in the 1950s influenced a generation of industrial designers and also inspired the design of many Apple products. Over the holiday I’d really love to watch the new documentary on Rams by Gary Hustwit. You know what? I think I’m going to make it happen.
Wesley Hastings, Senior Account Manager
I’d love to take over website work for Nike. Constantly updating their site layout and content, full of incredibly well-curated lifestyle and product photography, and harboring a unique and forward-thinking company culture—they would be a dream account for me. (Never mind the fact that I just read “Shoe Dog” by founder and CEO Phil Knight and am a bit of a fashion junkie.)
Marcus Eder, Copywriter
I would love the chance to rebrand our city. There’s a lot going on in STL beneath the surface. We are a city of artists, musicians, entrepreneurs and people helping to change the world. We’re more than thin crust pizza, toasted ravioli and the ill-fated Loop trolley. We are people who stand up and fight for what we believe in—for the world we want. It’s a story worth telling.
Erika Cruse, Senior Account Executive
I want a gift card to FLOAT STL — and I’m not just saying that because they’re our neighbors. Floating is a calming break from our hectic schedules, and you come out of it feeling so relaxed and refreshed. I’ll take all the floats I can get.
Amanda Pickens, Senior Designer
This year for the holidays I want a brain integration tool with the Adobe Suite. It could take images from your mind and inherently know what layers you need right away. This sounds like the beginning of a Black Mirror episode though, and we all know how those usually end…
Rich Heend, Senior Copywriter
I’d love to have a usable word processor that doesn’t get in my way. I don’t want task-specific apps for note taking, copywriting, etc. I want to do it all in one place. Most apps either have terrible user interfaces that eat up screen space (I’m looking at you, Word and Pages) or are too limited in terms of features or file format compatibility. Who’s with me?
Alex Linek, Web Developer
My Christmas wish is that everyone in the world would just use the latest version of their preferred web browser. I’d also like a 1975 NASA Graphics Standards Manual.
Blaise Hart-Schmidt, Digital Marketing Manager
I want to do branding and marketing for new books by some favorite authors. Obviously we’d get advanced copies of everything—for research purposes. We could create Instagram stories promoting Kristin Hannah’s next tear-jerker; a website redesign for Margaret Atwood in advance of her sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale; or an email campaign leading up the launch of J.K. Rowling’s surprise 8th Harry Potter book. Ok, now I’m really dreaming.
Katie Werges, Senior Designer
2019 will be the year I finally de-clutter my desk. This sleek aluminum headphone holder would be the first step!
Steph Wang, Designer
If someone could invent a letterpress machine that folds up to be really small, I’d want that. But then I’d have to worry about carrying the inks around. So maybe a studio that pops up at the touch of a button.
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