Atomicdust Earns Two w3 Awards
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” – Vincent Van Gogh
That’s the creative process—considering the small details, which piece by piece create the big picture.
We use this same method when building websites for clients.
We’re excited to share that two of our projects were recognized in the 18th annual w3 Awards, a celebration of creativity and excellence in the digital landscape.
This year’s competition saw an impressive turnout, with submissions pouring in from across the globe, representing a spectrum of agencies and brands.
Distinguished professionals assess entries across six categories, guided by the benchmarks of excellence established by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA). AIVA’s assessment isn’t solely focused on visual appeal; they look for websites that excel in usability, navigation, functionality, ease of use, innovation and visual design.
And these are the benchmarks for every website design we create—so we’re thrilled to be recognized by this group.
Here’s the scoop on our two gold winners:
The City Museum is a treasure trove for all ages—with funky, often climbable art, including a 10-story spiral slide and the World’s Largest Working Pencil. We designed a website that honors their eclectic brand while also providing a seamless user experience for visitors to check hours, cost and other important details.
Cite Studio needed a website to reflect the same intrigue and wonder of exceptional architecture. So we did that—using a mixture of typefaces, artwork and staggered imaging. The result is a memorable site design that doesn’t compromise on user-friendliness.
We want to congratulate City Museum and Cite Studio, and thank the w3 Awards for recognizing our work.