Celebrating Simplicity with the New Revel Kitchen Website
A name change and a rebranding is often enough to warrant a new website. But that reasoning was just the beginning for our client, Revel Kitchen (formerly Athlete Eats).
Our renaming and rebranding project for Revel Kitchen came in the midst of a time of tremendous growth for the company. They added a food truck. Their prepared meal service was attracting new customers. And they announced a second café location.
And thanks to a barrage of local and national press, they were getting a lot of attention. But when people visited their website, they didn’t know what to do first.
We set out to bring simplicity to this new brand, capturing the energy and vibrancy of Revel Kitchen while balancing the need for multiple paths to action.
Angles, bright colors and beautiful food photos (much of it captured by Atomicdust’s own photographers) do more than decorate the site. Each element leads users toward key actions: exploring restaurant menus, learning about meal plans or visiting the food truck.
First and foremost, we set out to make ordering meal plans for both new and existing customers easier to understand from ordering to delivery It was an undertaking that involved our entire team – designers, developers and writers.
From a design and content standpoint, we focused on clarity: giving customers exactly the information they need at every step of the process. This alone clarified the process.
From a technical perspective, we built an extensively customized WooCommerce template to fit Revel Kitchen’s meal plan ordering system. Tailored meal plans are a hallmark of the brand, so we wanted to make the experience as seamless as possible.
And while the customer-facing parts of the site are certainly easy to understand and navigate, the real magic happens behind the scenes. With menus and food truck schedules constantly shifting, effortless updates are a must. We built the site on WordPress so it’s easy for Revel Kitchen staff to add and delete items, update images and descriptions and more, all without interrupting the live site.
Sometimes, telling what seems like a simple story on a website is anything but simple. We salute our client, Revel Kitchen, for embracing our vision. We look forward to helping them bring this celebration of real food to more people as the brand continues to grow. Take a look at the new Revel Kitchen website.