Celebrating Another Year of Impact: Tracy Family Foundation Annual Report

Celebrating Another Year of Impact: Tracy Family Foundation Annual Report

Awards and accolades are always exciting—but nothing compares to a happy client who asks to work with us again.

Last year, we partnered with the Tracy Family Foundation to revamp its 2022 annual report in celebration of the organization’s 25th anniversary. The final product earned recognition from Graphic Design USA, the AVA Digital Awards and more.

But even better, their team asked us to do it again for the 2023 annual report.

Annual report cover design for the Tracy Family Foundation on a green cutting mat

Founded in 1997, the Tracy Family Foundation (TFF) fully embodies “paying it forward.” The children of Robert and Dorothy Tracy wanted to honor their parents and the values they held dear: faith, family, community, education and leadership. Since then, the Foundation has supported and developed nonprofit organizations nationwide—advancing innovative and sustainable change in the communities it serves. 

Coming off of 2022’s landmark 25th anniversary, their 2023 annual report needed to build on the previous year’s effort while showcasing the unique accomplishments and community impact over the last twelve months. 

An internal spread of the 2023 Tracy Family Foundation annual report

On each page, a colorful variety of geometric shapes frames TFF’s accomplishments. The geometric motifs are inspired by the organic leaf shapes in the TFF logo, providing a subtle nod to the constant growth the Foundation has fostered. 

The playful design underscores the approachable nature of the Foundation. That’s not to discount the impactful data nestled in the report. The Tracy Family Foundation awarded over $8.2 million in grant dollars in 2023—more than ever before. The bold and simple design presents the charts and graphs in a digestible manner while maintaining the sense of joy in serving others.

A person looks at the cover of the 2023 Tracy Family Foundation annual report

The Tracy Family Foundation prioritizes specific focus areas and programs. Creating a consistent color-coding for each focus area provided a visual language within the annual report design that united the piece. Minimalist charts, graphs and maps relay important statistics and numbers. The simplicity allows the stories of grant recipients to stay in focus.

Annual reports are as varied as the industries and foundations using them to communicate their impact. It was an honor to be part of this one.

Ultimately, what sets the Tracy Family Foundation’s 2023 annual report apart is the legacy of love and commitment to community it represents. The philanthropy of Robert and Dorothy Tracy left a lasting impact on their children—and, through the Foundation, continues to weave their legacy into communities across the country. 

The Foundation remains consistent in its goal: to help communities thrive and families to flourish. We are so glad we could play a role in this project.

Explore the full report here.


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Blaise Hart-Schmidt

Blaise Hart-Schmidt

Blaise’s path to digital marketing began in journalism and took a detour through public relations.

Passionate about storytelling in any medium, her experience with writing, design, strategy and digital marketing combine to help clients build strong marketing plans.

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